The best recommendation at this current time is to sit in front of a painting and relax, take any category Art-sci, Sci-art, Karma Of Our Times (KOOT), Hyper Dimensional Character
Analyses (HDCA) or a Dreamscape.
Sit back, indulge your mind and stretch your consciousness to allow. To allow this world to reach you. welcome to our world, welcome to the change. share the welcome, breath in deep and extend your roots ground out inside the moment.
You are part of this existence.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Mushroom, the painter and me, Serena his daughter.

One spring day in the backyard A rare photo op with him and I, captured a moment in time by my mom, Linda Kapuler.

with scents of sweet swelling fragrance and only slightly of fermenting flowers,
our cat-uler family sneaking below, winding through our legs.
smiles for days after a long awaited visit from my aunt, the one who lives in the BIG city.
the city with lights so bright they'll blast your eyes.
like throwing pies inside, lies abound.

Oregon is where we are
with love around
family and friends.
Grass so green, trees and even a few bees.

1 comment:

  1. You know, you are a really hard person to get a hold of once you lose a cell phone. Not sure you'll get this either, but here goes:

    Dear Scarlett, Justin misses you and wants to say hi, email him at the super creative email address of

    Fingers crossed.
